Saturday, August 13, 2011

new perspective, new view.. I'm immensely happy and proud of you, respect..

God has been good, not just to me..

please see it..

thank you.. your life and events have been a thorough affirmation for me, an insight to His glory and love that I really need to see again for myself

all the best

Friday, August 12, 2011

-Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know
each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
— Lynnette, age 8

yes, us men have emotions too.. after awhile, something needs to come out... let it out to God..

but even if there's noone who bothers to listen to you, what's the point...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

even when i find solace in God..

i can't find solace in the group..

even when i find security in God..

I can't find security in the group..

even when i sensitize myself to God..

i can't desensitize myself to the group...

is this supposed to be right? i don't feel like it is..

Monday, August 01, 2011

i don't know why..

my mind is in a mess..

there's something wrong.. i lost confidence, i lost self-esteem, i seem to lose any shred of hope i have of myself..

the strange thing is, i know it's wrong..

but why am i not doing anything about it? where's my willpower? where's God's voice telling me what/how i should be doing about it?

where's my self-consciousness ?

i'm feeling distant even towards myself.. i don't seem to get what's in me or in my head.. i seem, different, even to myself..

where am i heading to?

WHO can i turn to?

precisely.. WHO?

God, so i kneel before You.. it's just You and me, my heart and soul and spirit..

no sorry, it's not even about me..

God, so i kneel before You.. YOU shall show me and tell me..

YOU alone shall be my answer..