4 months. its been a long 4 months...
just came back from france and olomouc. well done ppl, well i guess since the congratulations have been given already there's not much point in saying more..
this few months of practise culminating in the trip actually taught me much.. it was different, nothing like graz, nothing like prague, nothing like anything that we've gone through before.. it was really different, not just with the ppl we sang with, not just the place, not the superficial things on the outside..
what was different was on the inside..
i think jason's note hit the right spot.. it didn't mattered whoever was singing beside each other, behind or in front.. friendship didn't matter on stage, at least for me.. the thing i felt the deepest was the fact that, everyone had worked hard to come this far, and share everything they had with one another on stage, the bonds, the love for each other, the love for the audience, most importantly the love for music. i think its a combination. you can never attribute success like this to a single factor, but we did it purely because we were able to come together and get everything down on the table.
it was really hard, it was tough, draining, everything was disastrous, everything went haywire. what could go wrong went wrong, and then some..
but it didn't matter again.. troubles are here to make us stronger, what can't kill us only makes us stronger. obstacles are here to be overcomed. we held together, heads together, arm in arm, and walked through the battlefield. it didn't matter what the outcome was, with every firm step that we take we seal each moment into our lives, and crush every obstacle in our way. it's this togetherness that paved the way forward, and gave everyone single-mindedness to get into the fight together, regardless of difference or motivation..
that is why it is different..
i've never rated two trips in the same way before.. each and every was different from others, i never believed nothing could be learnt from any of them..
it was not easy. not like others were easier, but we were more confident in other competitions. we walked in blind this time. blinded by ambitions, fogged by uncertatinties, halted by hesitations. it wasn't easy to move, the chains of the army broke one by one, each and everytime we took a blow. we were greatly weakened. but we never stopped, yet we never gave up, not on ourselves, not on our fellow comrades, not on miss lim. the weakest of man can still have the strongest of heart, and it is this heart that bore the strength that we all need. not by our own strength, but by the strength of everyone else. the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and we manage to hold the chain firmly all the way till the end..
that is why it is different..
this may be my last, i don't know what holds for me in the future with regards to choir or even alumni. i leave all my fate to God.
but what an amazing last run it has been..
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